Friday, November 17, 2006

Time Machine, revisited

In June of 2005, I posted about an idea I had about sending information backwards in time. This morning, I got IMs from Tim and Ben pointing me to this article in which John Cramer, a physicist at the University of Washington, is performing an experiment testing what I proposed. It's not the exact setup I described, but the basic idea is the same: you perform an observation at some point in the future on an entangled photon which will determine how the entangled photons pair behaves when you observe it in the present. If you do one thing to the future photon, the present photon behaves like a particle (the superposition collapses before observation) and if you do something else to the future photon, the present photon behaves like a wave (the superposition collapses at observation). My first reaction was that he stole my idea, which is obviously not likely. I then found this article, written in 1997, describing the foundation of the experiment. So he beat me to the punch, but I still feel good about getting the idea in the first place.


Unknown said...

you should send the idea to your past self in 1996, to beat them to the punch... then they can do the same thing to get the idea in 1995, and so on. Unfortunately they are a lot older, so they have more time to work with...

Kayla said...

Y'all are weird.

Flushy McBucketpants said...

validation! you're not a rambling lunatic. or you are, and so are these crackpot "scientists" at the University of Washington. either way, i'm sure that nothing useful will come of this experiment for then next several decades, unless it works, in which case it's probably already been useful.