Thursday, November 18, 2004

Nothing to see here

Man am I bored. It's not that I don't have anything to do; I have books I'm reading, classes to study for, and some side projects I'm working on with the hopes of making shit loads of money selling to the NSA. It's just that nothing really excites me anymore. This political season has left a sour taste in my mouth, so I don't feel like really following it (but I do anyway.) I don't know what I want at this point, and I'm tired of not really wanting anything. Complacency is soothing, but like Tim said, you have to want things to have excitement. So that's what I want. Excitement. Is there somewhere I can place an order?

I'm planing on volunteering for Habitat for Humanity at some point before spring. I have to figure out what things I'd be good at (apparently it isn't all hammering) and fill out the application. Assuming they work weekends, which I'm assuming they do since it's a volunteer based organization and most people need real jobs, it will give me something to do in my free time.

I've started really thinking about grad school, and I've narrowed it down to a few fields. I still like architecture, and building houses will probably increase my desire to design them. I'm also looking into meteorology (not broadcast meteorology), because honestly, who doesn't like staring at clouds? All I know at this point is that I don't want to program for a living. Don't get me wrong, I like programming, its just seems trivial lately. Maybe it's just my job. I would still like to be able to solve problems with computers, and architecture and meteorology both use computers to model things. Either way, if I don't get a job I enjoy at NASA or USGS or NOAA or some respectable company, I'll just go back to school. Then, if I still can't get a job I like, I'll teach. If I have to be miserable, at least I can pass it on to the next generation.

My laptop broke. I've been waiting for this to happen since I heard about an issue with the line of iBooks mine came from (the logic board, to be percise.) So now I have to mail my computer to Apple and have them fix it. The good thing is that if the problem is what I think it is, they'll fix it and handle shipping for free. If not, I could wind up paying through the nose. I hate computers, and if they weren't so damn efficient I wouldn't have anything to do with them.

This was kindof a downer post. Not entirely, just more than usual. I'm going to go do something fun.


aducore said...

The only problem with my friends is just that. Since you're all mortal, I can only kill you once.

Anna said...

Are you aware that Habitat for Humanity is like a very Christian organization? I know they like people of all faiths to work there, but with your skitish background with people of any religion, I thought you might want to be aware.

aducore said...

I have no problem with religious groups doing charity, and as long as the 'charity' isn't pushing dogmatic beliefs, I see no reason not to help. I'm building houses, not churches.

Kayla said...

I understand how you are feeling; I am quite bogged down by not caring about the classes I have currently. I got quite spoiled in undergrad by only having to take things I wanted to, and now I have a full courseload of things I couldn't care less about.
I feel like I should get more involved with something, but don't really know what. I still feel a bit out of the looop with the 2Ls and 3Ls (me being a 1L, gee could it be the year of law school I'm in?) since I haven't gotten to take anything in my interest areas: environmental law, labor relations law, and alternative dispute resolution methods. Although next semester my writing class is in dispute resolution, thank goodness.
Personally, I think you should consider a job in amateur porn. If Shara (sp) says you have a beautiful cock, why not make some money with it? I mean, besides whipping it out on the street to scare poor underage girls, what have you been doing with it? ;P
Haha, sorry, but this blog had gone too long w/o a "Fuzzy is a pedophile" joke.

aducore said...

I've been using it to prop up a wobbly table. He really needs to get out more.

Unknown said...

dude, I really did not need to know that shara said that... Well I prolly already did, but blocked it out cuz its disgusting.

I like the fact that I am quoted in this blog as if I am soem high felutent(sp) philosopher or something. sayign things like that always gives them a classy sound, for instance, "As Tim once so eloquently stated, In his seminal work 'I fucked your mom last night', your mom is a lesbian whore. as true today, as whe it was writen".

Anyway, we should join habitat for humanity, and then we can test their religious tolerance by insisting that we sacrifice virgins to ensure the health and well being of the family that will inhabit the house, or some other such nonsense. but hey, at least theyre not teh salvation army which isnt just a christian group but is incredibly intolerant, especially to gay people. I guess I should have know from the fact that "salvation" is part of their title that they dont really give a shit about people who arent like them.

aducore said...

Tim, any eloquence you once had flew straight through the window with your amazing spelling and/or typing just now. Honestly, I don't know how you do it. Do you wear fake long nails at work or something? On second thought, don't answer that. We're better off not knowing.