Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Math question

I'm having some trouble with this math problem Leonard and I are working on. Does anybody know how to derrive the cardinality of an n dimensional real space where n is the infinity representing the cardinality of the real numbers? When n is one, the cardinality of the real space is the same as the real numbers for the trivial reason of them being the same. When n is 2 the cardinality of the 2-dimensional real space is still the same as that of the real numbers (I don't feel like doing a full derivation here but I think I've got that much down sofar). The same holds when n is any natural number, and also when n is the infinity representing the cardinality of natural numbers. But what about when n is the cardinality of the reals?

Or, you could do something at the opposite end of the 'smart' scale...
and see what our friends across the pond have been up to. Related, I saw this a while ago and found it somewhat ammusing, somewhat a batshit stupid waste of my time.


Flushy McBucketpants said...

what's wrong with this region of the blogosphere? with the exception of your's and Anna's it seems like it's gone off to a server in cyberspace and died. is everyone that busy?

aducore said...

I blame people being lazy shiftless bastards. People with names like Ben, or Tiffany.