Thursday, August 24, 2006


I saw a few articles recently that I find somewhat disturbing. The gist is that the police can confiscate your property if a crime might have been committed, even if the courts find you innocent.

Police property: It’s finders keepers in NH

Federal Appeals Court: Driving With Money is a Crime

Any lawyers feel like weighing in?

1 comment:

Kayla said...

Apparently this judge needs to go back to evidence class again... suspicion (sp) of illegal activity will justify the initial confiscation, but not the failure to return such materials their classification as contraband is not properly established.
My pessimism makes me think all judges are really outcome-determinative, but damn, at least look for a descent legal justification! Anyway, that's why we have trial courts, to train better judges for the appellate level to fix fuckups.