Thursday, August 17, 2006

Lazy like a fox!

So I haven't posted in a while, nor am I going to post much here. I'm starting a blog for beer recipies, food recipies, and really, recipies for anything you consume. My figuring is that between Tim, my Dad, and me brewing beer, me trying to learn how to cook, and (from what I hear), Tim's dad developing an interest in wine making, we should be able to get a decent number of posts... better than codemill at least. I need a better name, since now it's only, but all of the simple names I could think of were taken (by people who had one post, total, back in 04 or 05.) So, if you're interested in getting setup as a contributor, let me know and I'll try to figure out how to do all that.

I'm making the blog on the new blogger ( since, for a while, that was the only site I could access. See, my blogger and gmail logins were the same, so when I went to log into blogger it found a gmail account with that login/pass and figured I was logging into the beta site. That meant that I had no way of logging into the old site, which meant I couldn't post here. I just fixed it, so I'm back. Hooray!


Anna said...
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Anna said...

Okay, so you're starting another blog which you can ignore and not post anything to? What, that makes that three real unattended blogs? And what happend to the creative writing project? And the database website thing you promised me?

Also, beerandfood is a perfect name for your blog. It's about beer and food.

I am frightened that you are going to post recipes when you don't own enough spices to fill a rack.

aducore said...

I feel there's good reason for having a number of blogs... this one is for my personal writings, codemill is for Ben, Tim and me for nerd stuff, and the new one is for all of us (assuming other people contribute) to start a recipe collection. It seems like a good division to me.

I agree that beerandfood is fine, I just think we can do better, and my spice collection is growing.

As for my side projects, I agree that I should work more, but I've been busy with work lately, and I'm lazy, and as far as that database is going... well, let's just say I'm researching it.

Kayla said...

Dammit Fuzzy! Get off your fat ass! ladies need access to porn, *cough cough cough* um, I mean, "the database."

Anna said...

Uh, considering that I'm pretty sure my job would be pissed if I was connected with the "database" I was being intentionally vague (as I try to be on all public accessable records). If I get fired, I'm going to be a teensy bit annoyed with you, Kayla.