Tuesday, September 04, 2007


So last night I saw Stardust: that new movie based on the novel by Neil Gaiman. The movie was excellent; on par with Pan's Labyrinth, with the added bonus of me not having to read subtitles or learn Spanish (which, really, I should learn anyway.) This post is not, however, going to be a review of the movie. Just go see it.

A little later that night, I was standing outside with my field of vision unintentionally pointing upwards, when I saw a meteor (more precisely, a fireball, boldie, or detonating fireball.) Now, I've seen meteors before: individual unexpected meteors, meteor showers I've decided to go outside and watch, I've even briefly owned a couple meteorites. This one was a vibrant green, a color I've seen before in meteors, and lasted a good two to three seconds. Towards the end of it's path it slowed down and disintegrated into several smaller chunks, some falling behind to make a short trail of meteors. One of the more impressive displays I've seen. I'd guess it's apparent magnitude was at least as bright as -5.

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