Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Periodic bleeding

No, I'm not menstruating. I donated blood again, as today was conveniently both the first day I could donate since I last donated as well as the day they were running a blood drive just off campus. I'm pretty sure it's intentional since I donated there last time, and the next time they're holding a blood drive is the first day I can donate again. I didn't sleep well last night so I felt a little tired all day, and figured I'd get light headed while giving blood. Like last time, however, I didn't get light headed when they were taking blood. I guess I'm getting used to it. Unlike last time, however, as soon as they pulled the needle from my arm I did. They tipped my chair back and gave me a soda (which reminds me, I need to marry the red cross. I get tired, and they bring me a drink and try to make me more comfortable.) Ever since then I've been tired and cold. I've been sleeping since I got home, and just got up to make myself dinner. I should be back to normal by tomorrow.

I'm a bit disappointed by the stuff I got in return for my blood. Last time I got a T-shirt. This time I got a magnet I can stick on a refrigerator (I'd say my refrigerator, but alas, I lease.) Don't get me wrong: I like helping people. I just figure I gave them my blood; the least they could do is give me a boat or something.

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