Wednesday, September 28, 2005

The Promised Land

Well I've booked my flights and I'm going to Utah. The plan is for Will and me to bum around the state for a little over a week --- the 21st to the 30th --- in October. I've never been to Utah before, or anywhere in the southwest for that matter (I don't consider the west coast to be the southwest, but it's a contested issue.) Since we're spending at least some of the time in SLC I'm half tempted to get my "Heroin Bob" mohawk going again, but I won't.

As a unrelated side note, one of my many bosses said the other day during a meeting that the progress seen so far on a project indicated either that the engineers out at JPL were half-assing it (not his phrasing) or that I was incompetent. He then said that he didn't think it was the later. I'll take that as a compliment, even if it's in a roundabout kind of way.


Kayla said...

I was telling Maggie about your heroin bob/borderling jew-fro fauxhawk the other day.
You should post pics so we can both ridicule you. :)

Flushy McBucketpants said...

Utah rules. Mormons are an odd bunch, and they blend in with the marscape.