Friday, September 09, 2005

To the hospital

My brother has been having eye problems since Tuesday. Apparently his left eye is a little blurry and doesn't move in unison with the right eye. Really, I guess, if one eye doesn't move in unison than they both don't. Anyway, his left eye's been giving him trouble. He went to the health center on campus yesterday and they took his blood pressure, which was really high, and his pulse, which was also really high, and they couldn't figure out what would be causing it. He had been hit on the head a couple times but nothing recent enough to be a likely causal candidate. They said he should go to the hospital, so I picked him up from the health center and took him to Holy Cross. Other than being a little light headed (probably from the blood pressure and pulse rate) he said he felt fine. Our mom met us there and the nurses took his blood pressure and pulse again, and they were still bad. He didn't seem like he was going to die or anything, so *name removed* (who came with) and I left and got dinner. Mom said she'd call if anything developed. I got a call from my sister later that night and said that she heard from them and that it wasn't a brain tumor or hemorrhage or something that would show up on a CT scan. He's spending the night at home and he's going to see more doctors today. I think I remember hearing "oncologist", but I think it's much more likely that my sister said "opthamologist," since he's having eye trouble and his knee tumors are both benign and probably unrelated. I'll post an update once I hear more about his condition. My current guess, as neither a doctor nor a psychologist, is that it's related to stress from moving out and not having any friends near him on campus, or to getting bumped on the head a few times last week. I hope he gets better.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

hope he gets better. having brothers in the hospital sucks... give him my best wishes