Saturday, May 15, 2004

(.64^.5)/.01 % finished with finals

Or, for the numerically handicapped people, 4/5 finished. Nothing quite like 3 days in a row of 8am finals to reinstitute my respect (or at least reverence) for institutions that run on a tight schedule. Not everything is 11am classes or dinner until midnight apparently. But that's the end of that; I have a 10:30am exam on Monday in artificial intelligence and I am done. Then I have a short break, graduate, and start work in June. I must say, the closer I get to being out of school, the more I look forward to just doing whatever. I'll still be tied down by work, but weekends, evenings, vacations... I will have a lot of time to bike, camp, read, program, whatever, and won't have homework to get in the way. I want to bike the C&O canal from end to end again some weekend this summer, anybody interested is welcome to join. (I think we'll just carry our supplies with us, and I know a few campsites along the way.) I figure 3 days should be long enough to have enough time to relax; we used to do it in 4 days, but had small children with us so we couldn't go that fast. Anybody have any other ideas?

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