Friday, May 14, 2004


-- Fire, Ohio Players --
Fire (What I said, child, ow)
Fire (Uh-huh)
Got me burnin', burnin', burnin'
Got me burnin', burnin', burnin' (Yeah)
Got me burnin', burnin', burnin' (Yeah)

So, there was a fire down the street last night. Got up at 2 at the beckon of fire trucks with their strobe lights and the flashes of the rotating colored lights. Still don't know if anybody was hurt (I hope not, but does that really need to be said?), but I walked down with the rest of my roommates, who were all up too, and the damage was pretty extensive. The house is probably going to have to be torn down, but I'm not an expert on the art of house repair, so what do I know? Still, there were a lot of fire trucks for such a small street, and we have a hydrant in front of our house, so they were close even though the house was 5 or 6 houses down the street. So let this be a lesson to all of you: brush your teeth every night, and sleep in clean pajamas, or in the nude, whatever suits your taste.

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