Saturday, June 05, 2004

new car

2001 prizim. Wasn't planing on getting one (doing fine biking to work) any time soon, but it was my parents idea, and the car will last my younger brother a while in a few years when he gets it. I'm still going to buy my own car eventually, but apparently there's no rush for my brother to get a car. Still, I do want to actually own my own car, and it would make his life easier. So now what? I guess I see if I can still bike to work when the weather's pleasant, or if I'll just drive every day because it's easier. Nice of my parents, though.

1 comment:

Kayla said...

That is very nice of your parents. Everybody is getting new cars! If I wasn't in love with my car, I would feel like I should buy one just to fit in.
Prisms get good gas mileage too, you'll just have to figure out the acceleration pattern of the engine in order to maximize it.
It is great that you have something new to drive!
PS - You should still bike on good days, it'll help keep your so-called black woman's ass in check. =Þ